Εικόνες από διάφορα μέρη του πλανήτη εντυπωσιάζουν και δείχνουν την ομορφιά του. Τα Διεθνή Βραβεία Φωτογραφίας της Σιένα για το 2018 έλαβαν 48.000 υποβολές από 156 χώρες και οι κριτές σίγουρα θα δυσκολεύτηκαν να αποφασίσουν ποιοι θα είναι οι νικητές.
Πρόκειται για μικρά αριστουργήματα που απεικονίζουν τη μεγάλη ομορφιά και διαφορετικότητα του πλανήτη μας.
Κάθε χρόνο, ο διαγωνισμός περιλαμβάνει μια ειδική κατηγορία. Αυτή τη φορά, ονομαζόταν Splash of Colors, στην οποία η κριτική επιτροπή αναζητούσε εξαιρετικές συνθέσεις χρωμάτων. Συνολικά, οι διαγωνιζόμενοι συμμετείχαν σε 11 κατηγορίες, από εκπληκτικά τοπία έως πορτρέτα και αθλητικά στιγμιότυπα.
Το μεγάλο βραβείο, το βραβείο Φωτογραφία της Χρονιάς, πήγε στον φωτογράφο K M Asad του Μπαγκλαντές για το «θύμα μάχης». Ο Asad έχει εδώ και έξι χρόνια καταγράφει τη δεινή κατάσταση του διωκόμενου Rohingya στη Μιανμάρ και αυτή η ψυχρή φωτογραφία ενός νεαρού πρόσφυγα Rohingya απεικονίζει τέλεια την τρομερή ανθρώπινη τραγωδία που ξετυλίγεται εκεί.
Αυτοί είναι μερικοί από τους φετινούς νικητές.
El Calbuco, Chile (1st Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
Sharing Emotion (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Arctic Fox, Usa (3rd Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Cosmic Wildflowers, Brazil (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
Rhino Silhouette, Kenya (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Underwater View Of The Winter Lofoten (Remarkable Award In The Beauty Of The Nature Categoty)
Nemo In The House (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Beyond Pink, USA (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
Toy Houses, Russia (1st Place In Architecture & Urban Spaces Category)
The Wave, Antarctica Waters (3rd Place In Journeys And Adventures Category)
Camels In The Desert, Mongolia (2nd Place In General Color Category)
Run! (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Joana, Dancer At The Tropicana, Sat With Her Grandmother, Cuba (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
Jump, Canada (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Break, Indonesia (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
Mind The Gap, Antarctica (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
The Road Of Fortune, Vietnam (Honorable Mention in Splash of Colors category)
Battle Victim, Bangladesh (Photo Of The Year)
Killer Whale In Polar Night, Norway (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Little Nenets Nedko, Russia (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
The Beakful Of The Hoopoe, Italy (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Flying On The Beach, The Netherlands (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
Drink, China (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
Share (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Duel In The Snow (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Kid With Hand Crafts, Ethiopia (1st Place In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Kitten (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Floating Market, Indonesia (1st Place In Splash Of Colors Category)
Travelers, Antarctica (3rd Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
Giochi In Verde (Remarkable Award In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
Migration, Saudi Arabia (2nd Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
Cold At Surface, Norway (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
Facing Reality, Pleneau Island, Antarctic Peninsula (1st Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Flying Fishing Nest, China (3rd Place In General Color Category)
Redyk, Poland (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
Vulture And Jackal (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
The Window, Costa Rica (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
The Man Staring, Bangladesh (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
Swing, Bolivia (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
Cannonball, Tonga (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
Henningsvær Football Field, Norway (2nd Place In Architecture And Urban Spaces Category)
Fisherman At Inle Lake, Myanmar (1st Place In Under 20 Category)
Every Breath You Take, Germany (1st Place In General Color Category)
Mt. Bromo, Indonesia (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
Save The Last Dance, Germany (Honorouble Mention In Architecture and Urban Spaces Category)
4 Hours Of Air Traffic, USA (Honorouble Mention In Architecture and Urban Spaces Category)
The Paradise Of Forgotten Hearts, Togo (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
Honey Hunters (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
Winter Idyll In Everyday Life, Germany (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
Colors Of Joy, India (Honorouble Mention In Splash Of Colors Category)
Devotees celebrate the traditional and colorful Holi Festival at Krishna Temple in Nandgaon, India
#107 Prada, Usa (3rd Place In Architecture And Urban Spaces Category)
This picture is from the ‘Lost America series’ and shows a quiet stillness in a forgotten landscape that is somehow ‘on-pause’. Spaces appear frozen in time, their inhabitants, absent or long since departed. Ardently stagnant in their appearance, the images aim to unlock a moment of reflective contemplation and instill a melancholic feeling of familiarity
Donald Holder 5 days agoThis picture is old. And it is considered as an art piece. It is not a actual retail Prada store in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I’ve been to this little town in Texas and it is a busy little, popular town with this listed as a tourist attraction.
#108 Meet The Hosts – Metro Driver, Russia (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
In 2018 Russia will host the Football World Cup and the idea of my project is to portray Russian people as the hosts. All together, they convey a picture of Russia and give an insight into the Russian soul. This work is about people, their identity, their environment, their culture, and society
TheReader19 1 week agoThis picture is conveying a totally different message than what it was supposed to
#109 Yibbum #1 (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
Mimis Nachbarin 1 week agoI like the protecting rain cover coat the man outside (on the very left) had put on his hat.
#110 Pool, The Netherlands (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
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