Έφυγε από τη ζωή, ο αποστεωμένος ελέφαντας της Σρι Λάνκα, που είχε προκαλέσει παγκόσμιο κύμα αντιδράσεων.


Ο λόγος για την 70χρονη Τικίρι, που ήταν μεταξύ των 60 ελεφάντων που εξαναγκάζονταν να παρελαύνουν στο φεστιβάλ Περαχέρα κάθε χρόνο.

«Αναπαύσου εν ειρήνη αγαπημένη Τικίρι. Μην ξανακοιτάξεις ποτέ αυτόν τον τόσο βάρβαρο κόσμο για σένα και τους φίλους σου». Με αυτό το μήνυμα η Lek Chailert ιδρυτικό μέλος του Ιδρύματος για τη Σωτηρία των Ελεφάντων (SEF) αποχαιρετά την της Σρι Λάνκα.

Η οργάνωση είχε δημοσιεύσει τον περασμένο Αύγουστο μία φωτογραφία του ταλαιπωρημένου ζώου, σε μία προσπάθεια να αναδείξει τη συστηματική κακοποίηση των θηλαστικών.


Λίγο μετά την ανάρτηση, ο υπουργός Τουρισμού της Σρι Λάνκα επιβεβαίωνε στο BBC πως ο ελέφαντας θα αποσυρόταν από τις παραστάσεις.

Ωστόσο, η περίπτωση της Τικίρι δεν είναι μοναδική. Σύμφωνα με την PETA, πολλοί ελέφαντες σε Σρι Λάνκα και αλλού «υφίστανται ανάλογη και χειρότερη μεταχείριση στην τουριστική βιομηχανία της εκμετάλλευσης και της κατάχρησης».





Someone recently compared Tikiri and Yai Boon (an elephant whom we rescued 2 months ago) as being in the same condition. That of course would be correct. If one were to compare them at a certain point, they both look rather skeletal, almost twins. There is a more compelling story to tell about an elephant’s needs and the human heart. Yai Boon, when her owner saw that she could no longer work, he asked us to help rescue her. Tikiri clearly also could no longer work, but the owner had no regard for her welfare. Yai Boon was brought to a safe and restorative place, where she was put on a medical program to improve her burdened condition, her legs never to be chained again. Tikiri did receive some medical attention, largely due to the high profile given to her collapse at the festival. But her care largely remained the same. After rescue, Yai Boon remains in the public eye, open for all to see her remarkable recovery in only a short while. Tikiri was taken away from her unwanted exposure, and remains isolated. . Yai Boon has gained 200 + kilograms in her 2 months stay with us, building strength in both mind and body. Soon Yai Boon will be introduced to some of our herd when her recovery time is sufficient, and she develops a clear interest in that exploration. For Tikiri, sadly her future remains somewhat bleak. One mandate of the animal advocate is that when you see an animal being abused, the truth must be spoken and intervention attempted. If the story is plain, it should not be twisted. Of what benefit to defend the one who causes distinct harm and try to exonerate them from any wrongdoing? The animal will remain abandoned in her suffering. To speak the truth, we may lose friends, but our voice stands fast to protect our beloved animals, achievements that we can be proud of, and our own dignity intact. #tikiri #yaiboon#elephantnaturepark #bekindtoanimals #bekindtoelephants #elephant#breakthechain #breakthechains

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Sep 22, 2019 at 9:22am PDT






The sad news is just out tonight that Tikiri passed away this evening. There is both sorrow and relief here. To think of her brings such pain to my heart. That hard service was her life, and not freedom, carries for me a commitment to others who yet suffer. That we could not help her before her eyes would shut forever fosters a renewed courage, and bears a responsibility for us to find safe refuges for all of the captive Giants born under the yoke of Man. What we wished for Tikiri, even a few days of freedom with love and care, we will demand for others. The day that I met Tikiri, her eyes locked with mine, telling me all that I needed to know. Her own fear and anger and sorrow is now part of that longer memory of her kind which should bear us no affection. Tikiri’s suffering has ended, her soul is now free. No more harm can come to her. RIP dear Tikiri. Never look back to this world so cruel toward you and your friends. หลังจากที่ล้มครั้งแล้วครั้งเล่า มาตอนเย็นนี้ทิคคิรีก็ได้จากโลกนี้ไปอย่างทุกข์ทรมาน เธอไม่มีโอกาสที่จะได้เห็นอิสรภาพก่อนเธอตาย เธอไม่เคยได้สัมผัสความรักจากมนุษย์ก่อนที่ดวงตาคู่นั้นของเธอจะปิดสนิท วันที่ดิฉันได้พบกับทิคคิรีที่ศรีลังกา และตัดสินใจนำเรื่องของเธอสู่สายตาชาวโลก ดวงตาคู่นั้นของเธอมันบอกทุกอย่างในความรู้สึกที่เธอมี ดิฉันรู้สึกสัมผัสถึงความกลัว โกรธ ความเจ็บปวด และความหมดหวังของเธอ หลับให้สบายนะทิคคิรีวันนี้เป็นอิสระแล้ว ไม่ต้องเป็นทาสใครอีกต่อไป มองไปข้างหน้าอย่าหันหลังกลับมามอง โลกนี้ที่มีแต่การทารุนกรรม เกิดมาอีกทีอย่าเกิดมาเป็นช้างให้คนทารุนกรรมอีก #saveelephantfoundation #bekindtoanimals #bekindtoelephants #elephant

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Sep 24, 2019 at 9:46am PDT





Tikiiri is not the only one who has become the victim of abuse in the name of the Holy Spectacle. Every year almost a hundred elephants are transported to the temple and forced to walk in the parade. Every day, after their tiring nighttime walk, they are chained and disturbed by many tourists. They have virtually no time to even get a short nap. In the late afternoon after they are bathed, they are dressed and readied to walk again. Even the processional costumes takes so long to adorn, amid threats and intimidation, in the heat and the noise, their lives are not their own. This is the life behind the scenes during the ten days and ten nights of their religious performance. During the long night street walk, their legs are shackled. They shuffle along through the smoke and dark, to the cadence of drums and chains jangling, eyes filled with the light from their adornments, ears never to be satisfied with the noise of the forest. Beside every elephant is a man with a spear – it is not merely ceremonial. Every elephant has felt the piercing point, understands the significance. So they pass through the gauntlet of the prayerful and devout, and the many other onlookers just out for the show. The smoke and the light irritates their eyes. They squint tremulously, tears roll down their face. They yawn continuously for lack of rest. No one sees their painful expressions. People come from all around the world to celebrate the occasion. Everyone is overwhelmed by the sights and the the sounds and the play of historical drama. Most fail to see the reality in front of them. It is tragic when religious expression supercedes the original teaching. The elephant suffers. How can a ceremony grant merit and blessing when the way of love, kindness, and compassion is not present? We ought to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, not to bring other lives to suffer for personal perceived benefit. This short film is a clear voice for the elephant who is sacrificed for belief. No time for us to pray for the Elephant. Action only way to help to protect them from abuse.

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Sep 23, 2019 at 9:19am PDT